You can count on Deep South Truckn’, a licensed, qualified septic waste professionals to install or perform all of your septic tank repairs. Our estimates are always free and we will be happy to help put your septic systems back in optimum working order.
We will inspect your septic tank and determine whether it needs replacing or repairing. Some older septic tanks have a limited (20 to 25 year) service life and corrosion may have lessened its load-bearing capacity. Pumps may have failed and need to be replaced. Clogged drainfields may need to be excavated and replaced.
Beginning with a septic tank systems installation, Deep South Truckn’, is the reliable source for all of your wastewater treatment needs. We are here to take care of your septic systems from start to finish. We will be glad to consult with you about your septic systems needs.
There are many factors involved in the installation of a septic tank systems. We are a professional company with the knowledge and experience to expertly determine the proper location and optimum size for your new septic systems. We will speak with you about water usage, how many people will be using the systems, the use of washing machines, and water conservation techniques to ensure your septic tank functions properly.
We look at the location of the plumbing in your home or business and view the slope of the land and your lot configuration. The septic tank will be placed in an area with more than adequate drainage that can be accessible for pumping when routine maintenance is needed. Hoses on pumper trucks typically reach up to 50-75 feet. We also specialize in ground leveling so finding the perfect place for your septic tank will never be a problem.
It is most desirable to have a gravity flow all throughout your wastewater treatment systems. This avoids the need for mechanical assists such as pumps. But, in situations where the dwelling is not high enough for gravity flow to drainfield, effluent pumps will be installed to lift the wastewater to an elevation where the drain field will be located.
With the proper maintenance scheduling, your septic tank systems will provide you with years of service and Deep South Truckn’ will make sure everything flows smoothly.